What's New
PhD in Experimental Soft Matter: Physical Virology
Viruses hijack the cellular machinery to perpetuate themselves. This project aims to study the…
ERC Starting Grant: Tuning Heat Transport in 2D Materials with Defects
The ERC Starting Grant project Tuning Heat Transport in 2D Materials with Defects (HeaT2Defects)…
All-thermal Reversal of Heat Currents Using Qutrits
Heat going from cold to hot… is there a demon in my system? A…
PhD and Postdoc Positions in Nanophotonics
We offer one fully funded PhD position and one Postdoc position at the Theory…
Magneto-optical Particles in Isotropic Spinning Fields Mimic Magnetic Monopoles
We can routinely find examples of devices based on Coulomb forces accelerating particles under…
Thin-film cathodes for LIBs: the challenge to keep the Li stoichiometry!
Thin-film cathodes for LIBs: the challenge to keep the Li stoichiometry! You can read…
Coarse-graining the Finer Structure of Macromolecular Interactions: from Electrostatic and Mechanical Properties to Next-gen Nanocarriers
Title: Coarse-graining the Finer Structure of Macromolecular Interactions: from Electrostatic and Mechanical Properties to…
El Bayesianismo Cuántico (Qbism): una interpretación “sin misterio” para la mecánica cuántica
Pedro Tarazona, catedrático del Departamento de Física Teórica de la Materia Condensada, en la…
Chiral Discrimination in Biological Systems Induced by Spin-dependent van der Waals Interactions
Title: Chiral Discrimination in Biological Systems Induced by Spin-dependent van der Waals Interactions When:…
Trapped-ion Simulations of Molecular Electron Transfer, Long-distance Backbone Charge Transport in Microsolvated DNA and Centimeter-scale Charge Transport in Bacterial Cables
Title: Trapped-ion Simulations of Molecular Electron Transfer, Long-distance Backbone Charge Transport in Microsolvated DNA…
Best PhD Thesis Prize in Magnetism – César González-Ruano Iriarte
Dr. César González-Ruano Iriarte is the winner of the third edition of the Prize…
IFIMAC’s Master Grants for 2024-2025
Condensed Matter Physics Center – IFIMAC through “Acreditación de Excelencia María de Maeztu” programme…
Mutual Reinforcement between Quantum Technologies and Machine Learning
Title: Mutual Reinforcement between Quantum Technologies and Machine Learning When: Tuesday, July 16, 2024,…
Research Positions for Young Scientists
Position type: Junior Group Leader. Duration: 3 years. Salary: Similar to Ramón y Cajal…
Under the Microscope – Spotlighting Materials & Nanoscience
Title: Under the Microscope – Spotlighting Materials & Nanoscience When: Tuesday, July 09, 2024,…
Ultrasensitive Bolometry in Quantum Thermodynamics Experiments
Title: Ultrasensitive Bolometry in Quantum Thermodynamics Experiments When: Thursday, June 27, 2024, 12:00 Place:…