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Antiaromatic compounds have generated a lot of interest in the field of molecular electronics…
A team formed by Joel G. Fallaque, Sandra Rodríguez-González, Cristina Díaz and Fernando Martín…
The work conducted by IFIMAC researchers analyzed the electron transport through a metal-protein-metal junction…
Article: published in Nature Nanotechnology by Linda A. Zotti and Juan Carlos Cuevas,…
Dynamical Coulomb blockade revealed by an STM. Article: published in Physical Review Letters by…
Title: Graphene Band Structure Tailoring by Superperiodicities and Nanostructuration. When: Tuesday, March 12, (2019),…
Title: Periodic Energy Transport and Entropy in Quantum Electronics. When: Monday, July 2, (2018),…
Resonant tunneling through an Azurin monolayer. Article: published in PNAS by Juan Carlos Cuevas,…
Article: published in Advanced Materials by José M. Soler, Juan José Palacios, Julio Gómez‐Herrero…
We are pleased to announce a Conference on BioMolecular Electronics (BIOMOLECTRO) which will be…
Experimental setup for the measurement of Peltier cooling in molecular junctions. Article: published in…
Article: published in ACS Nano by César González, IFIMAC researcher. Few- and single-layer MoS2…
Title: Playing with Molecular Junctions – Tales from the South. When: Monday, October 9,…
Title: Fabrication of Gold Nano-Crystal Arrays for Molecular Electronics: High Frequency Molecular Rectifiers and…
Article: published in Physical Review Letters by Francisco J. García Vidal and Juan Carlos…
Title: Bottom‐up Nanoelectronics: Contacting Single Molecules and Nanoparticles. When: Monday, May 22, (2017), 12:00.…