What's New
Councilor for Education Emilio Viciana joins our CrioPresionLab Workshop
The Education, Science and Universities Councilor of the Community of Madrid, Emilio Viciana Duro,…
Emeritus Professor Fernando Flores receives the “Medalla de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid”
Fernando Flores Sintas, Emeritus Professor at UAM since 2009, has been awarded the Medal…
Prof. Francisco J. García Vidal receives the Miguel Catalán Award 2024
It is our pleasure to congratulate Prof. Francisco José García-Vidal for winning the Miguel…
Experts Discuss Energy Storage Challenges and Innovations at the Nicolás Cabrera International Summer School
The recent edition of the Nicolás Cabrera International Summer School, held in Miraflores de…
Meet Pablo Ares García: ERC Starting Grant Awardee
ERC Starting Grant 2024. This is one of 494 grants awarded by the European…
“Cuéntame 11F” – Interview with Upasana Das
Upasana Das talks about nanoscale energy transport in Cuéntame 11F. Upasana Das, PhD student…
Fastcomet will develop a new concept for low-cost, high-storage-density memories which are urgently needed…
IFIMAC Receives Medals at CaixaForum Madrid for its Maria de Maeztu Accreditations
On 5 September, a ceremony was held at CaixaForum Madrid to honour the recipients…
ERC Starting Grant: Tuning Heat Transport in 2D Materials with Defects
The ERC Starting Grant project Tuning Heat Transport in 2D Materials with Defects (HeaT2Defects)…
El Bayesianismo Cuántico (Qbism): una interpretación “sin misterio” para la mecánica cuántica
Pedro Tarazona, catedrático del Departamento de Física Teórica de la Materia Condensada, en la…
Best PhD Thesis Prize in Magnetism – César González-Ruano Iriarte
Dr. César González-Ruano Iriarte is the winner of the third edition of the Prize…
XXX International Summer School “Nicolás Cabrera”. Energy Storage Systems to face the Climate Challenge: Sustainable Development of Li Ion Batteries
UAM Young Researchers Award – Experimental Sciences 2023
Carlos Antón Solanas has been awarded the UAM Young Researchers award in the “Ciencias…
Interview with Physics Students at the UAM Participating in the IFIMAC Mentoring Program 2023-2024
Interview with Physics Students at the UAM Participating in the IFIMAC Mentoring Program 2023-2024…
Diego Fernandez de la Pradilla talks about Quantum Vacuum in: Vermú de Nanociencia 2024
Diego Fernández de la Pradilla, a PhD student at IFIMAC, participated in the Vermú…
Conference: Quantum Sensing Paris 2024
“Quantum Sensing Paris 2024”, we organize in Paris in June 3-6, 2024, in Collège…