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Title: Symmetry, Exceptional Points, and Phase Transitions When: Thursday, March 21, 2024, 12:00 Place:…
Quantum materials are a collection of atoms with interacting electrons and nuclei displaying emergent…
Event Type: IFIMAColloquium Title: Topology Is Everywhere When: Friday, 16th Feb, 2024, at 12:00h…
The Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Stiftung organizes a Spanish-German meeting on “Correlations and Topology…
Unconventional superconductivity with high critical temperatures, topologically non-trivial phases, frustrated magnetism, spin-liquids or the…
Event Type: IFIMAColloquium. Title: Strategies to Design Quantum Materials with Exotic Properties When: Friday,…
It is possible to manufacture a material with different layers, and also it is…
A school on quantum materials and accompanying workshop on vortex behaviour in unconventional superconductors…