School on Quantum Materials and Workshop on Vortex Behavior in Unconventional Superconductors

School on Quantum Materials and Workshop on Vortex Behavior in Unconventional Superconductors

A school on quantum materials and accompanying workshop on vortex behaviour in unconventional superconductors (WG1 and WG3) will be organized within the framework of the COST Action “Nanoscale coherent quantum hybrid devices for superconducting quantum technologies”.

The meeting will take place at the “Bom Jesus” site close to the city of Braga, in Portugal from the 8th to 12th October 2018.

Themes of the School:

  • Design and characterization of quantum materials.
  • Strong correlations in quantum materials.
  • Quantum transport and SQUID technologies.
  • Topological properties of quantum materials.
  • Quantum computation.

The Workshop will be open to all related subjects, with focus on:

  • 2D materials.
  • Proximity devices.
  • Interface superconductivity.
  • Vortex behaviour in thin films.
  • Vortex pinning in d-wave superconductors.
  • Unconventional and topological superconductors.
  • Superconducting sensors and devices.

More information on Nanocohybri“Nanoscale coherent quantum hybrid devices for superconducting quantum technologies” website.