XXIII International Summer School Nicolás Cabrera – 2016

The Physics of Biological Systems: From Biomolecular Nanomachines to Tissues and Organisms
The Physics of Biological Systems: From Biomolecular Nanomachines to Tissues and Organisms

When: 10-15 July, 2016.
Where: Residencia La Cristalera, Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, Spain.
Conference Announcement Poster: Click Here
Scientific Program: Click Here
Institute Nicolás Cabrera Website: Click Here


Manuela Moreno
E-mail: manuela.moreno@uam.es
Phone: +34 91 497 4689
Fax: +34 91 497 8734


Raúl Guantes, Biophysics and Systems Biology Lab, Materials Science Institute Nicolás Cabrera, UAM.
David G. Míguez, Biophysics and Systems Biology Lab, Materials Science Institute Nicolás Cabrera, UAM.
Víctor Muñoz, National Biotechnology Center, CEI CSIC-UAM.

School Scopes and Goals

The advances in experimental techniques and the explosion of data are allowing the characterization of biological systems with an unprecedented accuracy, which is turning Biology into a quantitative science. Since Physics is the language of the quantitative, the goal of this Summer School is to explore how physical concepts and tools expand our understanding of the complex functions and organization of living systems. By bringing together leading scientists who work at the interface of both disciplines, the School will offer a comprehensive view of some of the more interesting open problems in Biology and how they can be approached (and experimentally tested) from a physics perspective.
The School is aimed at an interdisciplinary audience (biologists, physicists, mathematicians and engineers) interested in the quantitative description of biological phenomena. Lectures will provide both primers for the non-specialist and updates of the latest advances on the selected topics, with many opportunities of interaction between the School participants.

School Topics

The School is organized in a series of topics (from the micro to the macro scale) with the unifying description of physical biology.

  • The physics of biomolecules and assemblies.
  • Physical principles of biological networks.
  • Physics of tissues and organisms.

List of Speakers

Speaker Affiliation
Jordi García-Ojalvo Universidad Pompeu-Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.
James Briscoe The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK.
Thomas Gregor Princeton University, USA.
Alfonso Martínez-Arias University of Cambridge, UK.
Pieter Rein ten Wolde AMOLF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Jané Kondev Brandeis University, USA.
Kirill Korolev Boston University, USA
Edo Kussell New York University, USA.
Lingchong You Duke University, USA.
José Onuchic Rice University, USA.
William A. Eaton National Institutes of Health, USA.
Devarajan Thirumalai University of Texas Austin, USA.
George Lorimer University of Maryland, USA.
Yann Chemla University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.
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