XXVI International Summer School Nicolás Cabrera – 2019

XXVI International Summer School Nicolás Cabrera - 2019

Isabel Guillamón and Hermann Suderow, IFIMAC researchers, together with Leni Bascones, from ICMM-CSIC, are the organizers of the XXVI International Summer School Nicolás Cabrera – 2019Driving the road towards room temperature superconductivity with electronic interactions“.

It is our great pleasure to announce the XXVI International Summer School “Nicolás Cabrera”. This series of summer schools, organized by the Instituto Nicolás Cabrera at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and funded by the Fundación BBVA, deals with current topics in Materials Science since 1994. This, it will focus on “Driving the road towards room temperature superconductivity with electronic interactions “, and will be held from the 8th to the 13th of September 2019 in the La Cristalera residence of the UAM.

This international school aims to provide a broad introduction to current trends in strongly correlated electron systems to students and young postdocs. The final program can be found at Summer School 2019. Organizers can be contacted at school.nicolascabrera@uam.es.