BIOMOLECTRO: Conference on BioMolecular Electronics

BIOMOLECTRO: Conference on BioMolecular Electronics

We are pleased to announce a Conference on BioMolecular Electronics (BIOMOLECTRO) which will be held in Madrid from 27th to 31st of August 2018.

The aim of the conference is to bring together theoreticians and experimentalists working on the electron transport through biomolecules such as proteins, peptides or DNA, as well as through bio-inspired devices and systems like bacterial nanowires or biofilms. Please visit website.

Registration is now open. Please submit your abstract for oral presentation by the 30th of April. The event is free of charge (up to 100 participants) thanks to support from CECAM and Psi-K.  There are also three travel grants (of 300 € each) for master students whose research is related to scientific computation and which are generously offered by Catedra Fujitsu-UAM.

For further information, please send an email to Linda A. Zotti, linda.zotti(at)

The organizers

  • Linda A. Zotti
  • Juan Carlos Cuevas
  • Rubén Perez