Quantum Optics With Emitters In Waveguides

Title: Quantum Optics With Emitters In Waveguides
When:  Monday, 18 April (2016), 12:00h
Place: Sala Polivalente Plaza Mayor (UAM)
Speaker: Ignacio Cirac, Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Germany.

Recent progress in nano-fabrication and atomic physics has allowed to couple atoms (or other emitters) to structured waveguides. In this talk I will report on:

  • a theoretical framework to describe some of those experiments using both a master equation and a path integral approach.
  • the existence of many-photon bound states in the presence of one emitter.
  • some techniques to prepare multi-photon states in the waveguide using strong coupling and collective effects.

Quantum Optics With Emitters In Waveguides