Dear colleague,
We are happy to announce a new online seminar series on condensed matter physics. This is a collaborative effort between the Condensed Matter Physics Center (IFIMAC) from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), and the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).
IFIMAC+ICMM Joint Seminar Series, Condensed Matter @Cantoblanco
This joint seminar series will be held via Zoom on Thursdays at 12:00 CEST (Madrid time). Seminars will be about 45 minutes long, followed by about 15 minutes of questions and discussion.
To attend these seminars, please click on the following link: [Click Here]
Once you have filled in the form with your name and e-mail address, you will receive an e-mail with a link to confirm your subscription to the mailing list (please check your spam folder). After registering, you will be able to receive our weekly speaker/abstract announcements with the specific seminar Zoom link.
These seminars will cover a wide range of timely subjects, from nanophysics, low-dimensional materials or quantum technologies, to biophysics and soft condensed matter physics. We hope you like it!
Our first confirmed speakers are:
- Stephane Kena-Cohen (Polytechnique Montréal), December 3
- Paco Guinea (IMDEA Nano&DIPC), December 10
- Cristina Gómez-Navarro (UAM&IFIMAC), December 17
- Andrés Castellanos (ICMM, CSIC), January 14
More details and updates will be posted at: [Click Here]
Looking forward to your participation,
The organizers:
- Ramón Aguado (ICMM-CSIC)
- Iván Brihuega (IFIMAC-UAM)
- María José Calderón (ICMM-CSIC)
- Antonio Fernández-Domínguez (IFIMAC-UAM)
- Isabel Guillamón (IFIMAC-UAM)
- Sigmund Kohler (ICMM-CSIC)
- Elsa Prada (ICMM-CSIC)
- Laura R. Arriaga (IFIMAC-UAM)