Technician Position: Scientific Laboratory Technician


Scientific Laboratory Technician - Part Time Job

A one-year (12 months) part-time contract (20 hrs/week) as a scientific laboratory technician is available in the group of Prof. Enrique G. Michel within the project “Ultrahigh Pressure Chemistry at the nanoscale (IP: Prof. Julio Gómez)” at the Department of Condensed Matter Physics of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. The position is funded by the IFIMAC Condensed Matter Center through the MINECO award “Unidad de Excelencia Maria de Maeztu“, with reference MDM-2014-0377.

Position type: Part-Time Scientific Laboratory Technician.
Duties: Highly-skilled laboratory functions related to Ultra High Vacuum duties.
Duration: 12 months.
Requirements: The candidate must have a degree in Physics and sharp skills in the field of Ultra High Vacuum, programming and use of scientific software (Igor Pro).
Starting: October 1st, 2017.

Applicants should send his/her CV to Enrique G. Michel at enrique.garcia.michel(at) before September 18, 2017. Recommendation letters could be requested during the selection process. Selected candidates shall be contacted for an interview.