4-year Research Predoctoral Contract in Energy Harvesting

4-year Research Predoctoral Contract in Energy Harvesting - Featured

If you like science, if you are passionate about research, if you want to have fun working, we offer you a 4-year Predoctoral Contract associated to a research project of the National Plan to develop a doctoral thesis focused on the use of two-dimensional materials for energy harvesting applications. Two main avenues will be explored: thermoelectric and piezoelectric devices. The doctoral thesis will be developed at the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, in the Nanoforces research group. The main research lines of the group are atomic force microscopy (AFM), two-dimensional materials (such as graphene) and instrumental development. The Nanoforces group is characterized by an excellent scientific level and a great research environment. The project is coordinated with two chemistry groups (Nanomater-UAM and MacroMater-UCM), which gives a multidisciplinary character to this PhD thesis.
The candidate will learn advanced techniques of AFM, 2D materials sample preparation, instrumentation design and development, nanotechnology, etc. He/she will also learn to work and coexist with laboratory colleagues as well as to collaborate with other groups of international prestige. We expect to publish results in high impact journals and present at international conferences, but, we don’t want to mislead you, that is going to depend on the effort and dedication of the candidate.

Requirements and experience to evaluate:

  • Master’s degree in sciences related to physics, chemistry, materials engineering or related fields.
  • The candidate’s academic record will be valued, as well as previous knowledge in near-probe microscopy and 2D materials, but above all we value enthusiasm and willingness to learn.


  • Julio Gómez-Herrero (julio.gomez@uam.es)
  • Guillermo López-Polín (guillermo.lopez-polin@uam.es)