OOpen PhD position at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, in the group of A. Palacios (IFIMAC – Condensed Matter Physics Center- member), working in close collaboration with the experimental qu-atto team (J. Mauritsson at Lund University and C. Callegari at FERMI) and with Prof. J. Feist from IFIMAC. Our joint project aims to explore the correlated electron dynamics induced by attosecond laser pulses, X-UV and X-Ray free electron lasers, strong electromagnetic fields and novel scenarios employing quantized light sources. This is part of an open call for 15 PhD positions in the field of attosecond and quantum information science, under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Training Network (Qu-atto) Check eligibility criteria quatto.eu/recruitment.
Application: CV, motivation letter and records transcript to alicia.palacios@uam.es