Prof. Fernando Flores Donates Money Received in Several Prizes to IFIMAC

Professor Fernando Flores
Professor Fernando Flores


Professor Fernando Flores, emeritus professor at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and distinguished researcher of IFIMAC, has recently made a donation of 100 kEuros to IFIMAC to fund a new project.  The aim of this project is to develop a Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy numerical code able to deal with Spintronics structures. An intense collaboration with both the group of Prof. Antonio Tejeda at the CNRS/Paris Sud University and the experimental group led by Prof. Pascal Turban at CNRS/Université de Rennes is foreseen.

This grant will cover the salary of a senior postdoc position for two years plus additional support for travel and scientific visits. The deadline for applications ends on February 15th.


  • Net salary: 33.000 euros per year.
  • Two years contract.
  • Additional support for travel and scientific visits.


  • To have a postdoc experience of at least 4 years.
  • Experience in developing numerical codes for “ab-initio” studies in Condensed Matter Physics.
  • Experience in theoretical simulation of Scanning Tunnelling microscopies.

DEADLINE: February 15th.

Interested candidates are invited to send the Curriculum Vitae by e-mail to:

We gratefully acknowledge Prof. Fernando Flores for this first private donation to IFIMAC.