Quantum Magnonics: When magnon spintronics meets quantum information science

Quantum Magnonics: When magnon spintronics meets quantum information scienceArticle published in Physics Reports.

IFIMAC member Akashdeep Kamra together with colleagues from Utrecht University in Netherlands and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China has contributed an extensive review article in Physics Reports on the young and emerging field of “quantummagnonics”.

Tiny magnets have played an instrumental role in the modern data-heavy information technology based on the digital computers that we use everyday. Intense research efforts are underway in creating a new class of computers that would exploit the “spooky” nature of quantum mechanics to address problems deemed impossible otherwise. Can these tiny nanomagnets be as fruitful for this new class of quantum computers as they have been for digital computers? A growing community of researchers ask and try to answer this and related questions. The review article authored by Kamra and collaborators presents the state of the art in this young field of inquiry, highlighting opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. [Full article]